Liquid History – Exploring South Australia's past, a pint at a time

Location of (possible) Dennis-related pubs in Adelaide, 1900–1907
The background map is the north-central part of Robert Frearson's plan of Adelaide "showing tram system", published in about 1906 and therefore contemporary with Dennis' time working on The Critic and The Gadfly in Adelaide. Frearson's map shows hotels as small black rectangles, twenty-four of which (numbered red circles) are possible Dennis-related pubs. [SLSA C296]

A. Brookman's Building: offices of The Critic
B. Bowman Building: offices of The Gadfly
C. Offices of Vardon & Pritchard, printer/publishers of The Critic
D. Offices of Hussey & Gillingham, printer/publishers of The Gadfly
E. Theatre Royal
F. Tivoli Theatre ("The Tiv")
G. Queen's Hall
H. Tyrell's Bookshop
I. Catholic Young Men's clubroom
J. Wondergraph picture theatre, 1913–1977, where The Sentimental Bloke (silent movie) was shown for the first time in November 1918
  1. Tattersalls
  2. White Hart
  3. Exchange
  4. Theatre Royal
  5. Eagle
  6. Black Horse
  7. Wellington
  8. White Horse
  9. United Services Club
  10. Clarence
  11. Napoleon
  12. Imperial
  13. Southern Cross
  14. Red Lion
  15. Norfolk
  16. Young Queen
  17. Selborne
  18. Criterion
  19. Freemasons
  20. Sturt
  21. Sir John Barleycorn
  22. Hamburg
  23. Globe
  24. South Australian